Used for viewing data that has been converted into a HAPPy folder structure.
- Open dir: for opening HAPPy directories
- Export image: for exporting the currently displayed image
- Close: closes the application
- Normalization: allows entering the command-line of another normalization plugin to change how the fake RGB is being generated.
- Zoom: allows the setting of the zoom level
- New window: starts a new Viewer process, using the same options that the current one was started with
- Half width: resizes the window to half of the screen width, useful when comparing two scans horizontally
- Half height: resizes the window to half of the screen height, useful when comparing two scans vertically
Help: These menu items open browser windows with relevant pages.
Here is an example of a directory containing several samples:
When available, a mask can be overlaid with the appropriate opacity:
usage: happy-data-viewer [-h] [--base_folder BASE_FOLDER] [--sample SAMPLE]
[--region REGION] [-r INT] [-g INT] [-b INT] [-o INT]
[--listbox_selectbackground LISTBOX_SELECTBACKGROUND]
[--listbox_selectforeground LISTBOX_SELECTFOREGROUND]
[--normalization PLUGIN] [--zoom PERCENT]
Viewer for HAPPy data folder structures.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--base_folder BASE_FOLDER
Base folder to display (default: None)
--sample SAMPLE The sample to load (default: None)
--region REGION The region to load (default: None)
-r INT, --scale_r INT
the wave length to use for the red channel (default:
-g INT, --scale_g INT
the wave length to use for the green channel (default:
-b INT, --scale_b INT
the wave length to use for the blue channel (default:
-o INT, --opacity INT
the opacity to use (0-100) (default: None)
--listbox_selectbackground LISTBOX_SELECTBACKGROUND
The background color to use for selected items in
listboxes (default: #4a6984)
--listbox_selectforeground LISTBOX_SELECTFOREGROUND
The foreground color to use for selected items in
listboxes (default: #ffffff)
--normalization PLUGIN
the normalization plugin and its options to use
(default: norm-simple)
--zoom PERCENT the initial zoom to use (%) or -1 for automatic fit
(default: -1)
The logging level to use. (default: WARN)