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usage: happy-sub-images [-h] -i DIR [DIR ...] [-e REGEXP] [-r]
                        [-o DIR [DIR ...]] [-w CMDLINE [CMDLINE ...]]
                        [-l LABELS] [--black_ref_locator LOCATOR]
                        [--black_ref_method METHOD]
                        [--white_ref_locator LOCATOR]
                        [--white_ref_method METHOD]
                        [--white_ref_annotations FILE]
                        [--black_ref_locator_for_white_ref LOCATOR]
                        [--black_ref_method_for_white_ref METHOD]
                        [--preprocessing PIPELINE] [-n] [-R DIR] [-I FILE]
                        [-V {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]

Exports sub-images from ENVI files annotated with OPEX JSON files. Used for
extracting sub-samples. Multiple output/writer pairs can be specified to
output in multiple formats in one go.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i DIR [DIR ...], --input_dir DIR [DIR ...]
                        Path to the files to generate sub-images from
                        (default: None)
  -e REGEXP, --regexp REGEXP
                        The regexp for matching the ENVI base files (name
                        only), e.g., for selecting a subset. (default: None)
  -r, --recursive       whether to look for files recursively (default: False)
  -o DIR [DIR ...], --output_dir DIR [DIR ...]
                        The dir(s) to store the generated sub-images in.
                        (default: None)
  -w CMDLINE [CMDLINE ...], --writer CMDLINE [CMDLINE ...]
                        the writer(s) to use for saving the generated sub-
                        images (default: happy-writer)
  -l LABELS, --labels LABELS
                        The regexp for the labels to export. (default: None)
  --black_ref_locator LOCATOR
                        the reference locator scheme to use for locating black
                        references, eg rl-manual (default: None)
  --black_ref_method METHOD
                        the black reference method to use for applying black
                        references, eg br-same-size (default: None)
  --white_ref_locator LOCATOR
                        the reference locator scheme to use for locating
                        whites references, eg rl-manual (default: None)
  --white_ref_method METHOD
                        the white reference method to use for applying white
                        references, eg wr-same-size (default: None)
  --white_ref_annotations FILE
                        the OPEX JSON file with the annotated white reference
                        if it cannot be determined automatically (default:
  --black_ref_locator_for_white_ref LOCATOR
                        the reference locator scheme to use for locating black
                        references that get applied to the white reference, eg
                        rl-manual (default: None)
  --black_ref_method_for_white_ref METHOD
                        the black reference method to use for applying black
                        references to the white reference, eg br-same-size
                        (default: None)
  --preprocessing PIPELINE
                        the preprocessors to apply to the scan (default: None)
  -n, --dry_run         whether to omit generating any data or creating
                        directories (default: False)
  -R DIR, --resume_from DIR
                        The directory to restart the processing with (all
                        determined dirs preceding this one get skipped)
                        (default: None)
  -I FILE, --run_info FILE
                        The JSON file to store some run information in.
                        (default: None)
                        The logging level to use. (default: WARN)


Below are some examples for converting raw scans into various output formats.


The command below instructs the csv-writer to combine all regions for a sample into a single file by not having the {REGION} (or {REPEAT}) placeholder in the output pattern. {BASEDIR} is the output directory supplied to happy-sub-images. Black reference files are automatically determined using the --black_ref_locator option and the {PATH}/DARKREF_{NAME}.hdr pattern. The br-col-avg black reference method computes the average per band and column (requires scan and reference to have same number of columns). Only annotations that match the expression [0-9]+ are being exported:

happy-sub-images \
  -V INFO \
  -i "/some/where/raw/" \
  -r \
  --black_ref_locator "rl-file-pattern -p \"{PATH}/DARKREF_{NAME}.hdr\"" \
  --black_ref_method br-col-avg \
  -l "[0-9]+" \
  -o /some/where/csv/ \
  --writer "csv-writer -o {BASEDIR}/{SAMPLEID}.csv" 


The command below exports the regions of all samples separately as plain ENVI files. Just like with the CSV example above, black references are automatically determined based on their file name:

happy-sub-images \
  -V INFO \
  -i "/some/where/raw/" \
  -r \
  --black_ref_locator "rl-file-pattern -p \"{PATH}/DARKREF_{NAME}.hdr\"" \
  --black_ref_method br-col-avg \
  -l "[0-9]+" \
  -o /some/where/envi/ \
  --writer envi-writer 


By converting the scans into the HappyData format, you can view them later in the Data Viewer and then also build models. The command below only processes samples that match the regular expression "A_1_1.*". The white reference for this subset of scans is stored in a separate scan folder (--white_ref_locator "rl-fixed ...) and has its own OPEX JSON file with a single whiteref annotation (--white_ref_annotations "/some...) which gets applied after the black reference has been applied. Since the white ref is a separate scan, a black reference can be applied as well using the options --black_ref_locator_for_white_ref and --black_ref_method_for_white_ref:

happy-sub-images \
  -V INFO \
  -i "/some/where/raw/" \
  --regexp "A_1_1.*" \
  -r \
  --black_ref_locator "rl-file-pattern -p \"{PATH}/DARKREF_{NAME}.hdr\"" \
  --black_ref_method br-col-avg \
  --white_ref_locator "rl-fixed -f \"/some/where/raw/A_White_Ref_2024-08-19_22-11-04/capture/A_White_Ref_2024-08-19_22-11-04.hdr\"" \
  --white_ref_method wr-annotation-avg \
  --white_ref_annotations "/some/where/raw/A_White_Ref_2024-08-19_22-11-04/capture/A_White_Ref_2024-08-19_22-11-04.json" \
  --black_ref_locator_for_white_ref "rl-fixed -f \"/some/where/raw/A_White_Ref_2024-08-19_22-11-04/capture/DARKREF_A_White_Ref_2024-08-19_22-11-04.hdr\"" \
  --black_ref_method_for_white_ref br-col-avg \
  -l "[0-9]+" \
  -o /some/where/happy/ \
  --writer happy-writer


The same command, but this time generating Matlab files using the matlab-writer:

happy-sub-images \
  -V INFO \
  -i "/some/where/raw/" \
  --regexp "A_1_1.*" \
  -r \
  --black_ref_locator "rl-file-pattern -p \"{PATH}/DARKREF_{NAME}.hdr\"" \
  --black_ref_method br-col-avg \
  --white_ref_locator "rl-fixed -f \"/some/where/raw/A_White_Ref_2024-08-19_22-11-04/capture/A_White_Ref_2024-08-19_22-11-04.hdr\"" \
  --white_ref_method wr-annotation-avg \
  --white_ref_annotations "/some/where/raw/A_White_Ref_2024-08-19_22-11-04/capture/A_White_Ref_2024-08-19_22-11-04.json" \
  --black_ref_locator_for_white_ref "rl-fixed -f \"/some/where/raw/A_White_Ref_2024-08-19_22-11-04/capture/DARKREF_A_White_Ref_2024-08-19_22-11-04.hdr\"" \
  --black_ref_method_for_white_ref br-col-avg \
  -l "[0-9]+" \
  -o /some/where/matlab/ \
  --writer matlab-writer


Images can be generated with the image-writer, with the extension defined in the output pattern determining the image type. The --suppress_metadata option of the image-writer suppresses the output of the JSON companion files containing information about the region:

happy-sub-images \
  -V INFO \
  -i "/some/where/raw/" \
  -r \
  --black_ref_locator "rl-file-pattern -p \"{PATH}/DARKREF_{NAME}.hdr\"" \
  --black_ref_method br-col-avg \
  -l "[0-9]+" \
  -o /some/where/png/ \
  --writer "image-writer --suppress_metadata -R 95 -G 152 -B 111 -o {BASEDIR}/{SAMPLEID}.{REGION}.png" 

Multiple output formats#

By supplying multiple output/writer pairs, multiple output formats can be generated with a single pass. The following command generates CSV, Matlab and PNG output:

happy-sub-images \
  -V INFO \
  -i "/some/where/raw/" \
  -r \
  --black_ref_locator "rl-file-pattern -p \"{PATH}/DARKREF_{NAME}.hdr\"" \
  --black_ref_method br-col-avg \
  -l "[0-9]+" \
  -o \
    /some/where/csv/ \
    /some/where/matlab/ \
    /some/where/png/ \
  --writer \
    "csv-writer -o {BASEDIR}/{SAMPLEID}.csv" \
    matlab-writer \
    "image-writer --suppress_metadata -R 95 -G 152 -B 111 -o {BASEDIR}/{SAMPLEID}.{REGION}.png"