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Used for viewing data that has been converted into a HAPPy folder structure.


usage: happy-data-viewer [-h] [--base_folder BASE_FOLDER] [--sample SAMPLE]
                         [--repeat REPEAT] [-r INT] [-g INT] [-b INT] [-o INT]
                         [--listbox_selectbackground LISTBOX_SELECTBACKGROUND]
                         [--listbox_selectforeground LISTBOX_SELECTFOREGROUND]

Viewer for HAPPy data folder structures.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --base_folder BASE_FOLDER
                        Base folder to display (default: None)
  --sample SAMPLE       The sample to load (default: None)
  --repeat REPEAT       The repeat to load (default: None)
  -r INT, --scale_r INT
                        the wave length to use for the red channel (default:
  -g INT, --scale_g INT
                        the wave length to use for the green channel (default:
  -b INT, --scale_b INT
                        the wave length to use for the blue channel (default:
  -o INT, --opacity INT
                        the opacity to use (0-100) (default: None)
  --listbox_selectbackground LISTBOX_SELECTBACKGROUND
                        The background color to use for selected items in
                        listboxes (default: #4a6984)
  --listbox_selectforeground LISTBOX_SELECTFOREGROUND
                        The foreground color to use for selected items in
                        listboxes (default: #ffffff)